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Thread: Randy Moss now available on Red Box

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  1. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    He wont go back to New England... they got rid of him because of his shenanigans... they just didn't make that public. He was already replaced by Branch, who New England used a 4th round pick to get from Seattle. He crossed Belichick one to many times, which was probably only twice, and was told to GTFO. The only difference is that they got something in return to show for it.

    After hearing a bit more on the radio this morning about this situation, I actually agree with getting rid of Moss at this point, based on his performance the past couple games and his ridiculous statements to the press. He completely made an ass of himself, and he gave zero effort on the field during the New England game.

    Did everyone forget why Moss was sent packing from here in the first place? He pretended to pull his pants down to the crowd, then walked off of the field in the middle of the game. He is a psychotic ego maniac.

    So, I really don't blame Childress for releasing him. What I do blame him for, and the whole organization for, is using a draft pick to bring him here in the first place when they clearly did not have a plan for dealing with him. You should know what you are getting when you get a guy like that, and you have to be prepared to MANAGE the situation in a way that results in him performing on the field. He is without a doubt one of the most talented players in the league, but only when he wants to be. Childress did not have a plan to get him to perform on the field. Belichick was able to do that with him.

    Whatever, I hope Moss ends up on the 0-7 Bills... he will be sooo happy there. As for whether Childress should get fired, I think that depends on what happens through the rest of the season, or at least through the next couple games. If they go 8-1 and make it to the playoffs, which I highly doubt, he won't be going anywhere. But if they finish 8-8 or 7-9 like I think they will, he will be out of here and this whole organization and player base will undergo some massive modification. Also, if they loose to Arizona this weekend, I think he is definitely gone.
    Last edited by Ender; 11-02-2010 at 03:44 PM.



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