I just recently started watching this show and it is hilarious. It's an american version of a show that was popular in Australia. The guy who played the dog in the Aus version is playing him again here, which I think makes it even funnier.

The basic idea behind the show is that Frodo is a high-powered attorney who has some kind of breakdown. He now sits at home every day and occassionally watches his neighbor's dog, Wilfred. However, he sees Wilfred as a bearded Australian man in a dog suit while everyone else sees him as a dog.

While that sounds like a plot for a silly 30 minutes of comedy, the show is actually much deeper. It's kind of like a comedic version of fight club. Frodo often uses his communication with Wilfred to work through problems. In reality, it's his own personality projected on to Wilfred who is helping him through these problems.

I think my favorite part is how for the majority of each episode Wilfred is essentially a person, but at any moment he can be lost in a moment that dogs enjoy like having his belly rubbed or humping a stuffed animal.