Went to the ATT store today. Got a free 3g micro cell for my house because the reception there has been shitty. I have actually been happy with ATT. I know there are SOME areas that Verizon is better with reception but everywhere I go I have had good luck with ATT.

I found out that even though I have not completed my two year agreement that I do qualify for best pricing on new phones. As an added bonus I can keep my current terms with a two year extention. This is good because I am under an unlimited data plan which is rare now. Seems like ATT is scared of verizon now with their iPhone rollout and they are going to do just about anything to keep you as a customer.

I have been happy with my iphone but I think I am willing to take off the training wheels now and move up to an android phone. ATT is rolling out the Atrix in mid-march. From what I can see it looks like quite the device. What is everyone's opinion here?

Looks like I can sell my iphone 3gs for about $200 on ebay and the initial price of the Atrix is $199.99.