Apple should just send out those bumper cases for free to everyone - problem solved. Requiring people to buy them is kinda insulting. The don't hold it that way answer is pretty lame considering everyone holds their phone that way.

I am 2 hrs since my last full charge and this is what I see (you can get to the battery screen from setting - about phone - battery use)

Wi Fi - 24%
Voice Calls 16%
Display 15%
Cell Standby 15%
Phone Idle 9%
Android OS 7%
Android System 5%
Touchdown mail 5% (15 min sync)

I am at 90% battery.

Update 3pm (4 hours since last full charge)

Wifi 25%
Display 20%
Cell Standby 15%
Phone Idle 10%
Phone Calls 8%

Phone is at 85%