Played about 3 hours of the beta this weekend. It was only a couple maps and a couple game types.

Fun quick game play with fast respawn.
Classes are fun with different weapon type and special abilities. (Overwatch type specials that you build up)
Quick ranking up and weapons unlocks.

Kill streaks. Thing I have always hated about COD games. A level 50 player who has all the weapons unlocked will dominate a capture pt with a grenade launcher etc and get every kill streak. Then it's just respawn die to missile attack, respawn die to lighting thing, respawn die to attach helicopter, respawn die to nuke thing..... Just put me a on time out for 2 minutes so I can get a beer or something it's just a waste of time.

Sniper rifles are too strong. The bolt action rifle is a single shot kill no matter where it hits you. If you come up against a good quick scoper with a sniper just leave the game it's annoying.