It worked as I thought, really nice to be able to chat so easily. Definitely needed it connected to phone for any extended conversation, otherwise you were using a directional pad to navigate the keyboard. Amazing battery life. I had it on all day txting on and off and it was never below 55-60% battery life, and that was with heavy use. Mostly I wasn't below 75% at end of day. Have a few missed messages when it was off and then updated, and a few email addresses that I couldn't seem to get a message too (maybe blocked at work, but other work ones got thru, also may be due the location link attached to most the messages)..

Was really useful when talking to another inreach device, I could see the location of where messages had been sent to me on the map/txt app on my phone. Had more problems on hot sunny days than weather days (believe the sun activates the ionsphere more on those days, also how I had problems with SAT radio up here, clear sunny days)