Its suggests leveling up a bit to get unlocks before going into walker assault, didn't try that one yet.

In the single player survivor mode (wave after wave) you had 2 choices of load outs, each with 3 items. The primary being either a 3-shot grenade launcher type weapon or a ion torpedo/rpg thing, both worked against the AT-ST but I presume the rpg thing was better, and the grenades worked against both armor and infantry. The second slot was either an Ion bolt, that is basically a one shot different ammo type that loads in whatever blaster you have, and is for going through the personal shields that some of the infantry have. The other loadout has a personal shield in the second spot. When your shield is up, you cant shoot out, so its good for getting across open ground. Third slot was the jetpack for both loadouts, short little burst, but nice to get up high with it. Once you use one of these slots 1st and 3rd slot just take time before they are available again, but the 2nd slot (Ion bolt, Personal shield) looks like it was something you needed more ammo/power for, that you get from one of the pods or a random powerup somewhere in the map. The 4th slots disappear after you place them (turrets)..

In the MP its all unlocks, all I got was the ion grenade and the single shot rifle (which will pierce the personal shields)..

I liked that you got points to spend on unlocks, and then you had choices, (dont remember this from BF), so in theory you might skip some of the early unlocks to save for better mid tier unlocks?

Once you capture a pod to defend, its drops blue floating circles, these are also power-ups that you can place, I saw a Auto-turret that fires rockets (presume this is good against armor), and the tripod mounted heavy blaster (which was cool, but you have to pick your spot well as you only had about 20-degrees of range side to side)... I also couldn't figure out how to "Exit" the heavy blaster once I on it... which sucks when the enemy flanks you.. Even if the enemy captures a pod, you can still pick up any leftover powerup that they leave behind. There were also random powerups floating around the map, some didn't work for me as I assume its cause I didn't have anything unlocks, but there was a health one, etc... I bet some of them may be a quick cool down.

There is a "cool-down" key of some sort (R) I think, that I saw in the key binds, may help to get used to using that.

I noticed the one long heavier blaster avail in the survivor mode actually did much less dmg than the standard E-11, but it had a much higher cool down rate.

I know from reading about it that both Luke and Vader are in the Walker Assault, and they are some kind of powerup that become a player character..

Didn't play Hardline so cant compare but it looks gorgeous on my 2yo gfx card. Cover seems important, and I liked that variability to the map, you could get above people and around behind them, and the pods appeared to drop at random locations so unlike a straight capture/defuse/protect mode, the location of the next point is not known till its on the ground.