Just wanted to update this and show you guys what I have been playing for Ranked Decks lately.

First of all, there is a hunter deck called Face Hunter that is the new trendy/popular deck being played. You need to be aware of this deck when playing ranked games because it is all over the place and you WILL see it often:

Face Hunter

This is just an agro deck where every single attack is made against the opponent to kill them as fast as possible. It uses kill command and leeroy as finishers after cheap minions, chargers, and weapons were used to widdle life away. You can use this deck if you want... it is effective and the cards are easily obtained. However, if you don't use it, you need to make sure whatever your playing is countering it. The two essential counters to this deck are taunts and healing.

My favorite deck right now, which totally destroys hunter, is the following druid deck:

Ramp Taunt

This deck has a lot of taunts, which will help against the face hunter and other agro decks. Zombie Chow on turn 1 also shuts down face hunter. Ancient of Lore can be used to heal against face hunter or draw cards against anything else. 1x Big Game Hunter is a staple in almost all decks because almost every deck runs Dr. Boom. This deck also has a 14 damage finisher using Force of Nature + Savage Roar (9 mana). I have been having very good sucess with this deck and highly recommend it. You will destroy hunters, and it runs well enough against everything else.

Another good deck is a rogue deck that uses blade flurry and tinker oil for some crazy damage plus board clears:

Oil Rogue

This deck is very tricky to play. You are looking to build up a 3+ power 2 durability weapon, attack opponent's face with it, then use blade flurry to clear their board plus damage them again (blade flurry also does damage to opponent). You can do tons of damage in one turn if you get the combo bonus with Tinker's Oil and a minion on the board that can attack. Southsea Deckhand is in the deck for cases where you don't have a minion out and want to combo Tinker's Oil. It has healing with Farseers and 1x Healbot for playing against agro decks, and Fan of Knives can deal with face hunter's stupid minions very well.

The last deck that I haven't played much lately but can be really good is control Priest:

GvG Priest Control

Northshire Cleric and Wild Pyro+PW Shield are good to have early against face hunter, and since you can heal yourself they will have a difficult time finishing you off. Light of the Naaru is great when comboed with Soulpriest because you can use it for 3 damage removal, and when the creature dies, it will summon you the Lightwarden since technically the creature was still damaged after casting the spell. Recombobulator is used with shadow madness because after you shadow madness and attack with their minion, if it is still alive you recombobulator it and you will keep the minion that it is changed to.