Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
Neither party has been fiscally responsible since the Clinton administration, and I don't think either party would be capable of being fiscally responsible in the near future so it doesn't really matter which of them got elected. Lets look at the past 12 years in a nutshell:

Bush: "Lets invade Iraq for absolutely no fucking reason, spend the next 10 years paying to help them rebuild while getting shit on by insurgents, and drastically cut taxes at the same time while not reducing government spending". What a great idea.
Why did we invade Iraq? WMD's and an asshat in power. You can say the Bush administration lied about WMD's but we knew they had them because in the 80's we played both sides of the Iran Iraq war. We love to play power broker in the middle east, it’s easy to get oil and manipulate the Arabs into changing production to adjust the supply and price of oil. It has always been in America's interest to keep the region a mess.

Regan and WMD's.
More WMD info.
80's Iraq support.

The housing market bubble that burst lays mostly on democrat policy and lack and deregulation. The result of Clinton era ideology to allow people to but homes without proper valuation, verification of income, etc. It was a case of you can burrow greater than the ~%40 of your income from monthly payment. The mortgage lenders and banks took advantage of the situation; they didn’t break the rules or laws. The offered shitty products, interest only loans, balloons, ARM’s, they played by the rules of capitalism.

The Idea of corporate greed is silly, people complain about paying higher interest rates, and the cost of debt. But they don’t complain when their retirement and investments yield high interest rates.


It boils down to two things

  1. The government has been on the shady, and won’t admit it. A vast majority of the county is ignorant to this, we have always played favorites where we shouldn’t sometimes it works in our favor but other times it fails.
  2. The second is on the ignorance of the borrowers. The people signing the mortgage papers didn’t read or understand what they were buying, I am certain a vast majority of the lenders asked if they had question, and would have answered them if asked. But the lack of scrutiny and guidelines is the result of Clinton era policy, and slow action to clamp down or solve the problems. Companies and banks ties to mortgage backed securities and products got burnt by buying a portfolio with a large portion of subprime mortgages, and the burrowers default on them.