Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
......It is up to the supervisor to make that decision and it is not restricted by any Union clauses as far as I know........
Grievances, work loads "job details", they have all sorts of hooks to set in to keep the union jobs union jobs, I had a lady who worked underneath me at NWA, she had been there ~20 years, seriously 4- 5 times a day I had to show here how to attach a file to email. This lady could not perform simple tasks like that.

The job she did a half retarded hook armed pirate monkey could do, it was open a envelope, read the details of the "papers" stamp it with where it looked like it should go, she basically routed mail. The emails stuff was from the OCR service they used, and she would have to pair things up. She had 3-4 month stints in various departments, but as her gross incompetence was known, the union protected her, and just shuffled her around.

Sure you have a few who fall thru the cracks, but someone who has spent 20 years being shuffled around, although they were incapable of even the most mundane task. The process with unions and "performance" reviews, you get the union rep, fighting for the idea that the union is supreme, they fight for every union member less gross negligence, like smoking crack while watching kiddy pron on their bosses computer smoking inside.

The union wants you to be afraid, but their defense of looking out for the workers so they have jobs and their livleyhood aren't destroyed is bull shit. The unions had a history with "thug" tactics, and they will try to use them even though the mob is out