Quote Originally Posted by Kyrillian View Post
I generally believe you have to suspend disbelief for movies. I really hate when people criticize movies for having impossible things happen. I remember when I was a kid people would talk about Die Hard like "no way can he run across all that broken glass!". Yea there is also no way 1 guy can take out a highly trained crew of terrorists. It's a movie

But in The Town the movie is making an effort to be gritty and realistic, so I think it missed the mark with some of the things that are especially ridiculous.

Its all about context for me, but I can suspend disbelief for almost anything, but it has to kinda remain the context the filmmakers create... In this case its supposed to be all realistic like you said, but they really gutpunch you in the middle with the "drive down the alley= lose entire police force" getaway... That was the only one that really took me out of it while I was watching it (which I did 3 times in about 2 weeks, I definitely enjoyed it)... The rest was believable enough (the whole thing about the town being a armor car robbing mecha is fabricated, but it was a great way to start the story)..

So visually just a fantastic film, Afleck has a great eye (or his staff does)... and eh.. the story is ok (totally rehashed).. oh well...