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View Full Version : Wii - EA Workouts

01-12-2010, 10:04 AM
Rich was right this is a fitness game that doesn't fuck around like "Wii Fit". It's serious workouts that use a resistance strap and you can use the balance board if you like. There are games like hitting baseballs and boxing too which makes working out not quite as boring. 4/5 for sure.

01-12-2010, 01:48 PM
I've been using this to work out since it came out and I like it a lot. It's probably as "hardcore" as you can get for a working out video game and it definitely leaves you sore.

Lately because of our schedules (arda's working vs. me raiding) arda and I have been working out together and that's pretty fun. I get a better work out when I have an opponent to beat into submission.

5 out of 5!