View Full Version : Vikings

06-10-2016, 11:30 AM
Recently went through this series and caught up. I was surprised at how good it was. Great casting all around. Excellent action scenes, particularly for a tv show, really top level production... Decent story lines.. And the whole Viking culture is just so different from the more traditional standards of western centric stories, it makes for some quite unique and unexpected choices/plot direction for characters. Not too far along to get caught up on, only 40 episodes total.

06-16-2016, 10:42 AM
I started watching it last fall and am caught up to the mid-season finale of this season. I like it a lot. It's kinda dumb at parts but over all I think the story is really good. They are loosely falling the historical battles etc.

06-16-2016, 11:37 AM
Yeah they are doing a good job weaving in real history. The King Eckbert of Wessex was actually the first guy to unite England under one King, etc...

Stupid Rollo... He was/is probably my favorite character, repeatedly redeeming himself, but I hate that he joined the French... lol