View Full Version : The Last AirBender

12-10-2010, 11:59 AM
Biggest Piece of Shit of 2010.

It was like watching a bad, kids, Saturday morning, live action TV show. Only movie length for extra excruciating viewing. All they needed was a couple musical numbers to make it full on purple dinosaur caliber.

I understand there are movies for kids and movies for adults but good god. There are two ends of the spectrum, Toy Story 3, and this pile of dogshit.

What's-his-face director really mailed it in on this one...


12-10-2010, 02:27 PM
The sad thing is that the cartoon/anime (though it is for kids) that the movie is based on is actually quite good. I was hoping this was going to be a good movie ... but when I saw Shamalamadingdong was directing, I didn't even bother.