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View Full Version : Bad power cord

10-28-2010, 02:42 PM
Just thought I would share this for information purpose.

A friend from work brought over his computer for me to look at. He said that it simply wouldn't power up anymore. I assumed it was a bad P.S.

I opened it up and switched P.S. with one from another spare computer I have. Nothing. No luck. Just on a hunch, and in staying with the KISS principal I checked the power cord itself. I used a power meter and it was only measuring about 6 to 8 volts AC. Obviously the cord itself was bad. I grabbed another cord I had laying around and that was it. The new cord measured about 145 volts AC.

That was it. The stupid cord must have had a short in it. Using his old P.S. his computer fired up and posted.

10-28-2010, 03:35 PM
Interesting. I don't think I have ever heard of that happening before.

Have you ordered your new computer yet? ;)

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11-17-2010, 07:03 PM
I had the same thing happen to a relative's computer a few years ago. Bad power cord. I had a spare with me when i went over to trouble shoot and tried it just for shits and bingo...