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View Full Version : Peta epic

02-04-2010, 08:22 PM
I found this on another forum I frequent, and thought it was awesome, so here you go.

PETA held a protest at a NASA base near my house yesterday. I saw them setting up on my way home from the public library, so I went home and made up my own sign real quick. I gave my son a camera and instructed him to take lots of photos. We had a great time. First they asked to see my permit for protesting. I asked them to see their badges that gave them the right to question me. The police that were the laughed about that. After that the man tried to explain to me what horrible thing NASA was doing to Spider Monkeys. I told him that they probably deserved it anyway. I then started to question him about the puppy killing scandal. He really didn't seem to want to discuss that. Nor did he want to discuss how their propaganda about the fur industry is all false. One of the best things that happened was when I looked down and noticed his leather combat boots. Of course I had to call him out on it. After a moment of deer in the headlights he said that they were vinyl. I said that combat boots are leather and asked my son to photograph the boots. The picture was too blurry, sorry. Even the women with him were mad at him about the boots. Anyway I stayed with them and protested them for about 45 minutes during which I drew quit a crowd of supporters. In the end the pedophiles started to pout and packed up their toys and went home. So I am going to call that a win for me.






02-05-2010, 02:39 PM
lol that is indeed a win for you :)

02-06-2010, 01:09 PM
hahaha, that guy in the pic looks so upset